Crocheting My Way to Nirvana
Ram Dass tells this amusing story about one of his talks. He was speaking about an LSD induced transcendental experience he had, and there was an older woman sitting there nodding her head as if she understood all of the experiences he was describing. When he spoke to the lady after his formal lecture, he asked how she was able to relate to his experiences. She said simply, “I crochet.”
He tells this story about half way through this video:
I crochet. A lot. Especially lately. It helps to Continue to storefront purchase viagra uk a great extend in stimulating digestion and muscle movement of intestine. There are natural aphrodisiacs, such as amino acids, fibers, phytonutrients, healthy fats and 27 different vitamins and minerals. purchased this buy levitra online Vacuum pumps can stimulate penile region, assisting purchase cheap cialis in enlarging penile organ by creating suction like environment, which brings erection. It can help the patient to achieve orgasm and then its purpose regresses. discount viagra levitra It’s a wonderful stress reliever. And it feels good to create something from scratch. Although I have no transcendental experiences to report, I have plenty of crafts to share–including my first attempt at a hat, an infinite (round) scarf, and a multi-colored scarf made from scraps (but ultimately the prettiest one I’ve made in a long time).
I’ve been crocheting so much lately, I’m running out of people to give scarves to. I’ve been considering starting an Esty store. Would anyone be interested in a hand-crocheted scarf or hat?
Regardless, I’ve got to keep crocheting. It soothes me.