The Chronic Identity & the Law of Attraction

Chronics have to reevaluate who they are in the context of their disease.  It goes back to my first post here, about illness narratives.  Unlike having a cold, the illness story for a chronic becomes part of the life time picture, part of how you view yourself.  Maybe not all the time, but you do have to acknowledge the illness in order to treat it.

The trouble is, if you believe in the Law of Attraction, actively thinking about your disease may be holding you back from your back.

Summarizing the Law of Attraction pretty simply, Maharishi says, “Whatever we put our attention on will grow stronger in our life.”
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So how do you balance taking care of yourself and the law of the attraction?

Focus on the positive.  Taking care of yourself is a positive thing.  Attracting health is a positive thing.  When your mind starts to wander towards the negatives, the things you don’t like about your condition, your treatment, try to come back to something positive, like attracting health or perspective.

Image from PaperMonster Stencil Graffiti Artist blog.  Apparently the image is also available as a shirt.

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