Truth or Perception–What’s More Important?

This one question seems to get me into a lot of trouble, or at least cause me sufficient grief.

So what is really more important? Is it truth and intent or how it’s all perceived?

Obviously, working in PR, the significance of perception is not lost on me. (I mention PR because it makes sense, but it was actually a personal situation, not work, that brought out this brain dump.)… I find it irritating that perception would trump truth or intent. Although mostly the side-effects are limited and Kamagra tablets or kamagra oral jelly is one of the faster working samples viagra cialis that start working in 15 minutes. An example of aphrodisiac qualities would be the root of the tree, has been used to treat malaria, other tadalafil prices cheap fevers, headaches, arterial corrosion and anxiety. The online pharmacies charge by providing prescriptions sildenafil pfizer as well. The main reason behind this problem is easy to treat. viagra pharmacies Why wouldn’t true perception be more valuable? Can a subjective thing be true?

In PR and in any professional career, we strive to put our clients’ or our own best foot forward. But that best foot should always be factually accurate (read: not misleading).

I guess it’s striking to me (and striking me) that people, myself included, consistently look for the negative, the scandal, the “ah-ha, I caught you.” I find that real life situations are rarely that simple, nor that treacherous.

I suppose if people can’t perceived intent, you have to tell them.

1 Comment on “Truth or Perception–What’s More Important?

  1. “Truth or Perception — What’s More Important?”

    The Simple Answer: Do you seek to find happiness from within, or do you rely on others to provide it for you? It’s your own hopes, values and beliefs that determine your truth. And if people don’t like it … they’re probably not good for you.

    Move your frame of reference inside.