Welcome – A brief intro


M here. I just wanted to give you all a brief intro to this blog and what it is all about. S   and I are both in our twenties and we both have chronic illnesses, albeit different ones.   S has rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and I have indolent systemic mastocytosis (or masto for short). Check out the About page to learn more about each of us and all about our conditions.

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S and I have been friends for a while. It wasn’t until recently that we discovered that we have this shared “issue.” And like sunlight breaking through the clouds (I love cliches), I suddenly had a friend who understood me–someone who got a part of me that no one else, not my parents, not even my best friend and roommate A, could possibly understand. Because, unless you have a chronic condition you can’t know what it is like. And unless you are twenty and have one, there is no way you can understand the physical and psychological pressure and changes it imposes on you.

Now, this isn’t going to be a woe is us blog. Quite the opposite. We decided to join forces and blog about our experiences of being in our twenties and having chronic conditions both as a way to document our lives and to reach out to other twenty-somethings (or teens, or thirty-somethings, or whomever). Both S and I are great advocates of social media and its power to transform the world we live in, and so we are embarking on a journey to do just that, to span boundaries of space and time, to use technology to capture and share our unique experiences, so that our stories can transcend our lives and touch other people.

We hope that other twenty-somethings with chronic conditions will find this blog and identify with what we are saying. We hope that they will reach out to us–that we will find community with each other. But if none of that happens, at the very least, we hope that writing this blog will help us deal, day-by-day, with the struggles of being twenty-something and having a chronic illness.

Photo Credit: Abel Baria

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1 Comment on “Welcome – A brief intro

  1. As the referenced best friend and roommate, thought it would be appropriate to chime in. 😉

    I could never imagine what it’s like to live life with a chronic illness, but I am inspired and supportive of those who do. You and S are two of the strongest, smartest women I know and I couldn’t be happier that you’ve started this blog.

    Keep writing! (yes, that’s a warning.. I know where you live! mwahaha) <3

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