I don’t want to take my meds

There I said it. I don’t want to take them. Not because of any side effects or anything like that. But just because I don’t want to. Every time I look down at my handful of pills (at night I swallow around 10 pills in a myriad of colors, shapes and sizes) I feel like throwing them at the wall. Because that isn’t my life. I’m not a pill taker. I’m not sick. I’m in my 20s. I’m healthy and happy and carefree.

Only. I’m not. Yes, I’m in my 20s. But I’m not healthy. And when I don’t take my meds I’m usually not that happy and definitely not carefree. And I do take pills. Lots of pills.

S and I have talked about this a lot over the past year of our friendship–how there is a psychological block or disconnect–that maybe, just maybe, this time we won’t need our meds. That today our bodies will remember they are young and virile. That if we ignore our symptoms, pretend they doesn’t exits, that they will cease to. Mind over matter. Right?

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And so, as I sit here, my stomach roiling in acid, my bones feeling as if they are going to implode and my brain foggy like London, I tell myself that today I’ll remember to take my pills. Today I’ll pour the Gastrocrom into a glass of water and drink it all. And in a few days I’ll be feeling better.

That is if I don’t throw them at the wall first.

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1 Comment on “I don’t want to take my meds

  1. I’m seconding this. When it’s time for my injection, I think of every possible reason not to do it… The pills have been a little easier for me to swallow since the introduction of something that I dislike more. Who knew that was possible?

    Meds suck. But the alternative is worse.

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