Today’s Gratitude: Follow Through

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Today, I’m grateful for follow through. It’s wonderful, and unfortunately unexpected these days.

2 Comments on “Today’s Gratitude: Follow Through

  1. Personal accountability is a rare thing these days. I'm sure discussions could go on for years as to how and why we feel that there is less and less of it. Seems to me that it's an issue of clear communication. The clearer and more effective communication is between the participants, the easier it is for the one to deliver and for the other to acknowledge the good work being done. Too simple? Perhaps…

    Deep thoughts for a Tuesday morning. Grateful to you, SK, for making me think! 🙂

  2. @persuals I think you're right about communication. Follow through comes down to expectations, of self and of others–all participants have to be able to clearly articulate their needs, wants, desires and expectations. It can be especially difficult to explain when one of the parties isn't being clear.

    Accountability — being held to your word — can get to be very complicated when you have to factor in other people's interpretations of what was agreed to…

    I say, communicate, do what you say you'll do. Then communicate again about how it went. The feedback loop gets to be important.