Writing as a Daily Practice

There was a time in my life when I considered myself a writer. In fact, I suppose I still do. Though,I’d guess you couldn’t tell from my blog.

However, and in my defense, since moving out west (to Western Massachusetts), I have been journaling, handwriting with pen and paper, nearly every day. It has been tremendously therapeutic.

When I had my first journal, as a perturbed preteen, I documented all things, mundane and serious. I wrote poetry. I wrote my diary as though I was writing to butterflies, because they were the ornamentation on that particularly sacred book.

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It’s quite wonderful to reconnect to writing as a meditative practice (link to previous post about writing as meditation). And that’s what I’ve been doing, quietly over here, without sharing.

As a yoga teacher, it’s funny to think of my writing practice as sacred. Asana and meditation; these things are clearly in the realm of a spiritual practice, provided you’re working on a spiritual level at all. But writing?

I’m told that when you start in on a spiritual path, it starts to permeate, softly into the rest of your life. Perhaps that is what is happening. Are you finding yourself off the spiritual beaten path? Please feel free to share where you’re traveling!